You can make donations anytime and from any location into your church's account.
1. Click on "Giving"
2. A list of accounts created by your church appears.
NB: You can either make a pledge or pay immediately.
3. Click PLEDGE to make a pledge and Click on PAY to pay immediately
4. To change the account you want to pay into:
"Click to select an account"
5. Make sure to type amount as well as date to redeem the pledge.
You can pay anonymously bychecking “Pay Anonymously”
NB: If you do not own a debit card, you can request for one. Click on I don’t have a debit card and click OK.
6. Click on Continue To Checkout
7. Select the mode of payment and proceed to checkout
NB: If your church has not been set up on payment. You will receive this notification.
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